Advanced Programming - Binary Search Tree
A simple Binary Search Tree implementation for the Advanced Programming 2019-2020 course @ SISSA.
Advanced Programming - Binary Search Tree Documentation


A simple Binary Search Tree implementation for the Advanced Programming 2019-2020 course @ SISSA.

How to compile


We include a standard Makefile for convenience, so you can run the usual make commands; out-of-source build are not supported.

It is also possible to generate the Makefile via qmake by opening a terminal in the source code folder and running

mkdir build && cd build    # If you'd like to, not compulsory
qmake ..

In both cases, if everything goes as it should, you now have an executable AP_BST in your build folder $BLD. You can run it via



Build the documentation

You can build the documentation by running

make doc

The documentation is built into the folder $BLD/doc/_build/, where $BLD is your build folder.

Build and running the unit tests

You can build the unit tests (written in Catch2) via

make test

in the $SRC directory, where $SRC is the directory that contains main.cpp, or via

qmake && make

in the $SRC/test directory. A binary test is generated in the $SRC/test directory, and you can run it with


Refer to ./test --help for a list of all the possible options for the test executable. E.g. the -s option lists even the successful tests.

How to run the code


The sample program, that shows how to use the library, can be run in the following way:


The tests, if compiled, can be run via

cd test
